Friday, 27 May 2011

Callum Kellie 'Top 20 Arms' @ PROJECT SLOGAN

Callum Kellie presents his project 'Top 20 Arms' at the always excellent Project Slogan tonight, in collaboration with Sarah J Stanley.  Go and check it out!  There's some free whisky if you get there before it runs out, not to mention some great painting, sculpture and an interactive arcade game installation.

The show runs till 19 June, and I can heartily recommend Pro Slo when in its daytime coffeeshop mode: handmade sandwiches and cakes, and the best coffee in town...

Beauty and the Beast of Burden @ limousine bull

Beauty and the Beast of Burden, curated by Dane Sutherland, is currently on show at the excellent limousine bull gallery/project space in Aberdeen.

Stray Dog went along to the opening last weekend, check out the pics after the jump. The show runs till Sun 5 June, you should really go and see it!

Big Sculpture for UTG Big Picnic

Stray Dog will be showing a big interactive sculpture for 1 day only at the upcoming Union Terrace Gardens Big Picnic on Sat 11 June, 1-5pm (facebook event page here).

The Big Picnic is an annual event to encourage use of this brilliant civic space in the heart of Aberdeen, and to demonstrate to those fat cats and politicians downtown that this place belongs to the PEOPLE, not to the highest bidder.

If you're interested in saving UTG from the short-sighted idiocy of those who would see this place obliterated and replaced by another shopping centre/car-park, come along and get involved!

Monday, 23 May 2011

Sand Sculpture!

Click here to go to our flickr page for pics of our recent sand sculpture workshop on Aberdeen Beach for the city council's 'Big Healthy Picnic' event.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Caroline Halliwell @ Beautiful Mountain

Went down to the opening of a great wee illustration exhibition by Caroline Halliwell at the Beautiful Mountain cafe, Aberdeen.

Great artwork with interesting use of layering and textures - go and see it for yourself!  Opening night pics after the jump...